
This is the guide for the Pixelgrade Footer component. We will tackle both behaviour and technical details.

What Does It Do?

This is quite a straight forward component. It will handle the markup, Customizer options and widgets of the <footer> section of the <body>.

The footer contains the widget area and the copyright text controlled through the Customizer.

What It Doesn’t Do?

It doesn’t handle the final part of the <body> like the call to wp_footer() or the closing </body>. That is best left to the theme.

How It Works?

It registers a widget area (sidebar) called ‘Footer Area’ and outputs the markup of those widgets.

Using the pixelgrade_footer action hook it outputs the markup found in the component’s templates/footer.php file (this is hooked in Pixelgrade_Footer->register_hooks()).

So for this component to work, the theme must provide the following hook (usually found in the theme’s footer.php file):

 * pixelgrade_before_footer hook.
 * @hooked nothing() - 10 (outputs nothing)
do_action( 'pixelgrade_before_footer', 'main' );

 * pixelgrade_footer hook.
 * @hooked pixelgrade_the_footer() - 10 (outputs the footer markup)
do_action( 'pixelgrade_footer', 'main' );

 * pixelgrade_after_footer hook.
 * @hooked nothing() - 10 (outputs nothing)
do_action( 'pixelgrade_after_footer', 'main' );

We only need the middle hook (pixelgrade_footer), but we strongly recommend keeping all three as it allows for others to be able to reliably relate to the footer component and add things around it.

This component doesn’t have any static assets of its own (like .css or .js), but it does have in its /scssfolder the necessary frontend logic for handling layout. So you should include /components/footer/scss/_main.scss this in your theme’s SCSS and add your styling.

The widgets in the footer are laid out in columns.

Important Technical Details

All customizations done by a theme to a component should reside in the /inc/components.php file, regardless if there are dedicated files for certain integrations (Customify comes to mind). This ensures that one can identify quickly the way a theme interacts with components.

Customizing the Customify Settings

The component provides its standard Customizer options by registering them through our wonderful Customify WordPress plugin.

Although well thought, you might find the need to add, delete, or 😱 completely replace options (although you would be quite the schmuck for doing this 💩).

Luckily, the component allows you to filter the footer options just before they are merged with the main Customify options via the pixelgrade_footer_customify_section_options filter (see bellow).

Here is some example code to get you started in the right direction:

 * Modify the Customify Footer section options.
 * @param array $options
 * @return array
function osteria_change_customify_footer_section_options( $options = array() ){
    // just add some option at the end
    $options['footer_section']['options']['footer_hide_back_to_top_link'] = array(
        'type'    => 'checkbox',
        'label'   => esc_html__( 'Hide "Back To Top" Link', 'components' ),
        'default' => 1,

    // or you could add some option after another
    $footer_hide_back_to_top = array(
        'footer_hide_back_to_top_link' => array(
            'type'    => 'checkbox',
            'label'   => esc_html__( 'Hide "Back To Top" Link', 'components' ),
            'default' => 1,
    $options['footer_section']['options'] = pixelgrade_array_insert_after( $options['footer_section']['options'], 'footer_bottom_spacing', $footer_hide_back_to_top );

    // delete some option
    if( array_key_exists( 'footer_bottom_spacing', $options['footer_section']['options'] ) ) {
        unset( $options['footer_section']['options']['footer_bottom_spacing'] );

    // change some settings for a specific option
    // First we test to see if we have this option
    if( array_key_exists( 'footer_bottom_spacing', $options['footer_section']['options'] ) ) {
        $options['footer_section']['options']['footer_bottom_spacing']['default'] = 10;

    // or just replace the whole array
    $options['footer_section'] = array(
        'title'   => esc_html__( 'Footer', 'components' ),
        'options' => array(
                //put your options here

    // Now return our modified options
    return $options;
add_filter( 'pixelgrade_footer_customify_section_options', 'osteria_change_customify_footer_section_options');

Please remember, code like the one above should go into /inc/components.php in your theme.